Decentralization - Centralization

    Centralism has the advantage that resources are optimally utilized. Everything is decided, implemented and finished in one place. If something needs to be changed, it happens in only one place and is thus implemented immediately. The disadvantage of this is that the center means that the outside areas are very far away - the transport routes are very long and therefore the logistics have to be put under a lot of strain. If there is a breakdown, be it due to wrong decisions or an abortion of the work for whatever reason, the whole project has to be paused. In addition, all exceptions to all local conditions must be taken into account in the central office at this one point.

    Decentralized systems have the advantage that they adapt to the local environment, keep distances very short, and should one system fail, the surrounding systems can help out. The problem is that they are redundant systems, each consuming its own resources and leading to duplication of effort.
    When the two systems work together and the benefits are combined, the result is fail-safe systems that don't consume a lot of resources or require long transport distances. To accomplish this, it is necessary that information is passed on quickly and that cooperation works very well. In contrast to our current system where only own groups benefit from this kind of collaboration (companies), in Helfa it should take place in all areas. This allows an open, not overly redundant, cross-functional collaboration between different or even all groups.

    Examples of this type of work would be:
    Helfa groups, power grids, emergency assistance, seminars, storage of goods, information sharing.