Helfa Kurzerklärung
Hier wird in kleinen Schritten erklärt, wie das Helfa Projekt aufgebaut und und worauf man achten muss. Kurz und bündig.
Creative Commons-Lizenz mit Quellenangabe (Wiederverwendung erlaubt)
Yes hello I wanted today again explain the Helfa project.
A lot has happened and exactly for that reason, I’ll summarize it, so that the people know what it is about. Imagine you would need something, somewhere, no matter what, for example machines. And you could ask the people and they would automatically get a drill.
Imagine you needed a car and you would ask and you would just get a car. Just like that, free of charge. Imagine you want to go from a to b and somebody gives you a ride. That's exactly what the Helfa project is. The Helfa project is an idea of moneyless giving. This is not about sacrifice. It is about that onehuman being, helps the other. The whole overhead with money leads to the fact that one become selfish at some point. This egoism nowadays leads to the fact that people no longer trust each other. No longer work with each other. No longer talk to each other. You buy what you want because you are no longer willing to change. Because one isn’t human anymore and that's where the Helfa project starts. The Helfa project starts with the fact that we start to talk to each other again. If you give things to people for free of charge, like for example his working time, then at some point we can even build a completely new society. So that this is not exploited, we have to do one very important thing. That is the de-anonymization.
What does de-anonymization mean? De-anonymization means that everyone knows each other.
Because if we know each other, we no longer need security anymore. We know this from the PC. On the PC you always have to enter your password and user name. Why? Because the PC doesn't know you. With us it is exactly the other way around. We know each other and because we know each other we don't need a password anymore. This protects us from many things. There is a second level of security and that is the moderators or mediators. Their task is, to ensure peace within the group and to establish a connection with the other groups. A mediator does not go and punishs people. A mediator or facilitator makes surveys. So that society and so that one knows what society wants. A moderator his task is if one wants to get in touch with others across, to get in contact with others, so that they get exacts that contact. So what does the whole group do?
The group should be 100 to 200 people . What does that mean or why? Because 100 people can be remembered. With 200 people you don't know exactly who is who. But that is exactly what we need. That means, the 200 people we have so that at some point we can turn the group of 200 into 2x100 groups and that they in turn, know each other quite well. Another thing is that the rules are relatively simple. A rule in the Helfa project is made as follows. The rule is a positive and a negative example is made. Why?
So that all people understand what it actually is about and what exactly is meant. Not like in today's time of rules or laws, where you need experts and even they do not always agree on what is means. The other thing is that you need a start and and an end date, so you know how old this rule is and until when it is valid. And after the end of the validity one is forced to think about whether or not you need the law or not. If you still need it, you have to ask whether the law should continue to exist or whether it should be slightly be changed. These ideas are the big part of the Helfa project. But now you could say that all this already exists. With self-sufficient systems and the like, yes, but we want to build a network. We put the network on top of it. We want all, really all groups are connected with each other. You can create more groups. At the moment we have made it so that all cities, all big cities, have one group. When that's full, you can split it up, into smaller cities and things like that. We can also build smaller cities or build nodes. But not only that is possible, we can also make special groups, like people who translate or people who in some way researcher, with each other. So that they can do special tasks and each group, really each group, when it reaches its 200 people will be divided again. Into the same Heading, but just two groups. Group 1, group 2 and if they become too many again, group 3. Why? It is exactly the same reason, so that one knows itself. Only when you know each other, you can deal decently with each other. That is the basic idea. First of all from the Helfa system and who wants to know more or can just ask us. Because that's exactly what we are here for! I wish you a lot of fun and a nice day.